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Mercy High School

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Need for a High School in the Community

The education crisis is severe in Malawi. Most children lack the necessary financial, material or parental support needed to receive a high school education, which is not free in Malawi. In addition, most schools don’t have enough resources to enhance the children’s educational experiences. Classrooms are over-crowded, making it difficult for children to concentrate and for teachers to provide the needed attention to each student.

The need for quality education in Malawi is difficult to capture in words. At present, there is only Mercy High School in Kanengo that is available for students seeking to advance their education past primary school. Mercy High School aims at transforming lives through education. Every year Mercy High School reaches over 400 students from the surrounding community offering them quality education. In training the whole person, Mercy High School offers Christian leadership, academic excellence which in turn help the students to get through their daily challenges. The students are friendly, self-motivated to learn, curious and well behaved despite coming from broken families.

Mercy High School Goals

  • To facilitate access of quality education to less privileged children in the target community
  • Facilitating access of quality education to target students as a right not just a privilege
  • To increase children’s opportunities to education in primary, secondary and colleges
  • To foster effective learning and teaching activities to produce better results in the life of beneficiary students
  • To increase school time and learning opportunities for girls and needy children

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