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Can you imagine not eating breakfast and trying to excel in high school (English, math, Science……) without breakfast, lunch, or even a small snack. The odds of getting a HS education as a youth living in Malawi are already very slim…..not having food makes it almost impossible. For both the male and female student body there are no funds available to offer students a simple sustainable nutritious mid-day snack during their school day. Most of the students eat one meal a day, others even less, and few ever have breakfast.

We are working with several sources for supplying PEANUT BUTTER to the school on a long term basis such as Afi-Nut, Ltd & others but have not solidified those arrangements yet. For now we’ve decided to buy it at retail outlets and not wait any longer. The cost for a PEANUT BUTTER and bread snack for all 400+ students is $34/day or $5,120.00 for the entire 2017/2018 school year ($32/day x 8 months).

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